Monday, October 4, 2010


And where to begin. With your ridiculous face (both of you). This rain/wind/flooding combination makes for an eerie nights' sleep indeed. There's nothing quite like leaving the windows open to watch gauzy black drapes sway to the sound of wind racing through the trees. It's getting colder....and I grow farther from the tropical climate that is my home. Every year. I'll never get used to being cold but I forget what it is to always be warm. I miss humid rain and heat lightning, purple skies and black clouds.
I want to travel more. I have so much I need to see before I decide what it is that I want. I can't see how I'm supposed to know anything about that sort of thing when there's so much more to see and taste.
There's a reason you're absent. It's not a mistake.


exarro said...

i feel obligated to let you know that i've read all of your posts. i'll continue to read...
i too am a big fan of "Z.B."...

Jessica said...

I apologize I didn't see this for awhile. Thank you. I love his work, I have a half sleeve tattoo of one of his paintings, the one known as 'the valley of death'.